Major Node.js and Npm Updates Bring Big Performance Wins

JavaScript developers got a summer present on the last day of May: a dual release of Node.js 8.0.0 and npm 5.0.0. These two projects coupled together result in some serious performance enhancements, on both sides. For Node.js 8.0.0, the big speed boost co… Read more


Sending tuples from Node to Rust and back

This week in Fluvio, I want to talk about an interesting problem I encountered while implementing a Batch Producer API for the Fluvio client. As part of our feature development process, we update each of our language clients with new APIs for interacting ... (more…)

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Testing Tools for Node.js

Testing is an essential discipline for any non-trivial software project. With a dynamic language like JavaScript, testing is an absolute necessity. This post is on the best tools currently available for Node.js, but here’s a quick look at some of the many... (more…)

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