In 1960, the physicist Eugene Wigner wrote a famous essay titled “The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Mathematics in the Natural Sciences” in which he explored the question of why mathematics is so r… (more…)
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Learn how to make the new BBC micro:bit voice activated! The new micro:bit: Create a project in Edge Impulse: https://stud... (more…)
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Machine learning has seen a vast increase of interest in recent years, along
with an abundance of learning resources. While conventional lectures provide
students with important information and knowledge, we also believe that
additional project-based lear... (more…)
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To see how machine learning changes our lives and revolutionizes business, get to know the best ML applications in 2020. (more…)
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What programming language should one learn to get a machine learning or data science job? That's the silver bullet question. It is debated in many forums. I could provide here my own answer to it and explain why, but I'd rather look at some data fir...
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