The other day, someone on the Rust user forums posted a question that really nerd-sniped me. They had data generated by a C++ program and were wanting to load it into a Rust program, but when asked what format the data was in the author didn’t provide som... (more…)
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Want to program your microcontroller in Rust but your microcontroller vendor
doesn’t provide a Rust HAL / SDK? No wonder. AFAIK, no vendor is betting for
Rust … yet. How about binding to a C HAL? No? Don’t feel like wrestling with
bindgen and the HAL buil... (more…)
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Compiling Rust to WebAssembly is still difficult. On macOS, there are weird bugs that require reinstalling LLVM and moving files around. On Linux, the official Emscripten binary in many cases isn’t bundled with the right LLVM, and the fix is to compile fr... (more…)
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In the last several years async-friendly languages and APIs have received a large amount of attention. One contentious point in the language design space are the “colored functions”, or… (more…)
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