Languages you can run in the browser, part 1: Python, JavaScript, SQLite

People often write
about languages
that compile to JavaScript. But what if you want to run
languages in the browser? Without any API to proxy code and I/O to a
standard language implementation on a server? Languages that compile
to JavaScript… Read more


Faster Python with Go shared objects

There's no two ways about it, Python is slow. I felt this in particular when exploring how to sanitize potentially malicious HTML content in the CTFd content editor. The two options for sanitizing/processing HTML in Python both have some tradeoffs: Poorl... (more…)

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Python Zip() Function

<p>The <code>zip()</code> function accepts a series of iteratable objects as arguments, <strong>packages</strong> the corresponding elements of different objects <strong>into a tuple</strong>, and <em... (more…)

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