Julia users most likely to defect to Python for data science

Python is the most popular “other” programming language among developers using Julia for data-science projects. Read more


Generating 1B Fake People with Julia

In a recent MotherDuck blog post, the author generated 1 billion fake people records using Python in order to analyze the data with DuckDB. I suspect the point of the article was to showcase how awesome duckdb is at handling large amounts of local data, b... (more…)

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JuMPing at Gcd, with Julia

Recently, I was teaching my kids how to compute gcd(Greatest Common Divisor). Instead of just teaching the mechanics of calculation, I wanted to show them some interesting properties of gcd. (more…)

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Aligning Audio Recordings with Julia

Cross-correlation is a useful method that can determine the offset between 2 similar signals. We show an intuitive explanation and a Julia language implemenatation that finds the offset of 2 different recordings of the same song. (more…)

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