We've gathered the data at the following services: StackOverflow, LinkedIn, Github, and Google search, and unified it through a simple, but effective ranking formula. We rank: Spring, JSF, Dropwizard, Play framework, JHipster, Grails, GWT, Vaadin and more... (more…)
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Underscore ("_") is a keyword in Java 9. If you use "_" as an identifier, javac of JDK 8+ issues a warning. javac of JDK 9, issues an error! To check and migrate your Java code to avoid using "_" as an identifier, you can use the following Nashorn script...
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We know that variables are used to store data in a Java program. We also know that each variable can store not more than one data item. So, what do we do if we need to store a large number of data items, say 50. Well, we can use 50 variables, one for each... (more…)
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Philippe Back's answer: One would learn Smalltalk before Java so that one will be aware that there are other ways than factories, helpers, proxies, and such Java often used “idioms.”... (more…)
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We are pleased to announce the general availability of GlassFish
5.0, the Java EE 8 Open Source Reference Implementation and that
the Java EE 8 umbrella... (more…)
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