JavaScript Eventing Deep Dive

JavaScript event handling is often straightforward. This is especially true when dealing with a simple (relatively flat) HTML structure. Things get a bit more involved though when events are traveling (or propagating) through a hierarchy of elements. This… Read more


JavaScript Art is in the URL

[Alexander Reben] makes tech art, and now he's encouraging you to do the same -- within a URL. The gimmick? Making the code small enough to fit the data portion of a link. And to help with that, he ha... (more…)

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JavaScript Works

Mark's assertion that starting out with JavaScript (JS) puts you at a disadvantage next to PHP, Python, C is a flawed one. 2 of the 3 cited languages are dynamically-typed like JS. One of the strength of JS à la Node.js next to PHP & Python is the bui... (more…)

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