JavaScript Attack Breaks ASLR

Five researchers from the Vrije University in the Netherlands have put together an attack that can be carried out via JavaScript code and break ASLR protection on at least 22 microprocessor architectures from vendors such as Intel, AMD, ARM, Allwinner, Nv… Read more


Easing the pain of building in JavaScript

In principle, JavaScript is a very dynamic and interactive programming language. However, that has changed significantly in recent years. Now, modern web development requires extensive build and compilation steps. That is unfortunate for two reasons. Firs... (more…)

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JavaScript vs. Unix Tools (part 2)

Once I did a work sample for an IT company in Sweden. I was even more junior then than now. My feedback was that they thought my solutions was OK, but not good. I don't know if I would've gotten the job since I got another before they had time to decide. (more…)

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