Java’s Unspeakable Types

It obviously cannot be any type that we ordinarily encounter. A variable of type String cannot hold a value of type Object — the Liskov substitution properties simply do not work that way round. The… Read more


JEP 338: Java Vector API

Provide an initial iteration of an incubator module, jdk.incubator.vector, to express vector computations that reliably compile at runtime to optimal vector hardware instructions on supported CPU architectures and thus achieve superior performance to equi... (more…)

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Java Array

We know that variables are used to store data in a Java program. We also know that each variable can store not more than one data item. So, what do we do if we need to store a large number of data items, say 50. Well, we can use 50 variables, one for each... (more…)

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A Glimpse at Java 20

Java 20 is almost round the corner. We already have a good idea of what new things will be in it. So let us visit them in this newscase: Sequenced Collection... (more…)

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