[iOS] Create a Protocol-Oriented Animations Library in Swift 3

Learn to Code For Free: http://apple.co/2dWjiXJ Protocol-Oriented Programming (POP) is an efficient and readable way to write code. Caleb will teach you how … Read more


Nesting Property Wrappers in Swift

You can nest property wrapers in Swift, but it's difficult. NSHipster has a great article about all things property wrappers, and the summary of trying to compose them (which others have echoed) is that it's hard and prone to compiler errors... (more…)

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Ceph vs. Swift… not a rivalry

A few years ago, I kept hearing casual conversations about Ceph vs Swift. “Ceph’s going to win out and Swift will fade.” “Ceph cannot be used to scale out cloud storage.” Some called it a rivalry. I found it funny considering very few enterprises were act... (more…)

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