Jumpstarter is based on the Actor model. It aims to help define self-contained pieces of business logic and facilitate communication between them while maintaining a separation of concerns. The Act... (more…)
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Roadmapper - A Roadmap as Code (Rac) python library - GitHub - csgoh/roadmapper: Roadmapper - A Roadmap as Code (Rac) python library... (more…)
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Mining for tweets This post explains generally how my Python 3 tweet searching script works. Twitter limits the maximum age of searchable tweets to roughly a week. As such, the script can se… (more…)
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The BGV fully homomorphic encryption schemeThis is a sister blogpost to the previous one about a similar scheme (BFV) and it's part of the series that covers fully homomorphic encryption techniques and applications.Introduction\gdef\can #1{\|#1\|^{\text{c... (more…)
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We’re very excited to release Pyston v2, a faster and highly compatible implementation of the Python programming language. Version 2 is 20% faster than stock Python 3.8 on our macrobenchmarks… (more…)
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