Integrating MailChimp with Django

In this tutorial, you will learn to integrate MailChimp service with Django.

MailChimp is an email marketing service. It is a service that can allow you to collect subscribers from your website for email marketing. Their API will provide you with a pla… Read more


Building a chat room using Django Channels

TL;DR : Demo is here and the code is on Github. In this post I explain how you can build a chat room using Django Channels. A standard Django application handles http requests using a request-response lifecycle. A request is sent from the user’s browser, ... (more…)

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New Features in Django 3.2

Django 3.2 is just around the corner and it's packed with new features. Django versions are usually not that exciting (it's a good thing!), but this time many features were added to the ORM, so I find it especially interesting! (more…)

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