Installing and Using Docker and Kubernetes on FreeBSD

These configuration have been tested only on FreeBSD 12.1-RELEASE.
1. Introduction Wait… what? FreeBSD does not have Docker! Doesn’t it?
Well of course not really, but you can still install Docker using FreeBSD, it won’t just be FreeBSD in Docker… Read more


Don’t Panic: Kubernetes and Docker

Authors: Jorge Castro, Duffie Cooley, Kat Cosgrove, Justin Garrison, Noah Kantrowitz, Bob Killen, Rey Lejano, Dan “POP” Papandrea, Jeffrey Sica, Davanum “Dims” Srinivas Kubernetes is deprecating Docker as a container runtime after v1.20. You do not need t... (more…)

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Docker Guide

Docker is a container technology, it's a tool for creating and managing containers. ( The same container will run same everywhere) Container creation are built-in modern system. Docker just simplifies... (more…)

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Docker explained for PHP Developers

Let me help you learn how to use Docker with your PHP project. If volumes, mounts, swarm, compose, and Dockerfile confuses you, then take a moment to read this post to save you time. These methods will work with Symfony, Laravel, and any modern PHP applic... (more…)

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