Implementing Autocorrect with 14 lines of Python code

An implementation of Autocorrect function with Python 3 – CprogrammerIbrahim/Autocorrect… Read more


Stop Naming Your Python Modules “Utils”

Imagine the following situation: there is a software developer that is either adding new code or refactoring existing one by extracting a class/function. They have to place code somewhere, but it does not seem to fit anywhere. So what does a developer do?... (more…)

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New Firebird 3 driver for Python 3

As Pavel Cisar promised at Firebird Conference in Berlin, the Firebird has brandnew DB API 2.0 driver for Python. It’s part of modernization campaignthat shakes off the legacy that goes back to KInterbasDB and Firebird 2.0. Please note, that his new drive... (more…)

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