How Vim Killed Atom and VSCode on My Machine

I had been a long time user of Sublime ever since I learnt to code. I really loved the bump it gave me from using notepad (my first editor). It had awesome plugins, awesome themes, awesome… Read more


Persistent Undo in Vim

about a 2 minute This post presents a chapter from my upcoming book Mastering Vim Quickly: From WTF to OMG in no time As you already saw in the chapter on Undo/redo, Vim is pretty powerful when it comes to these features. However, there’s one more feature... (more…)

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Vim vs. Emacs: The Working Directory

Vim and Emacs have different internals models for the current working directory, and these models influence the overall workflow for each editor. They decide how files are opened, how shell commands are executed, and how the build system is operated. Thes... (more…)

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