How to deploy on remote Docker hosts with Docker-compose

The docker-compose tool is pretty popular for running dockerized applications in a local development environment. All we need to do is write a Compose file containing the configuration for the application’s services and have a running Docker engine for de… Read more


Docker is dead. Long live the Unikernel

As the cloud-native ecosystem evolves, it is beginning to appear as if a challenger to containerization has emerged. In this blog post, I'm going to dive into what unikernels are, and why I think they will be the most likely candidate to replace container... (more…)

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From Docker Straight to AWS ECS

Just about six years ago to the day Docker hit the first milestone for Docker Compose, a simple way to layout your containers and their connections. A talks to B, B talks to C, and C is a database. Fast forward six years and the container ecosystem has be... (more…)

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