How Swift API Availability Works Internally

We use API availability checks all the time to provide fallbacks for users running older iOS versions, but have you wondered how the Swift compiler handles this? In this article, we’ll take a deep… Read more


Was Swift based on Kotlin?

Following Google’s announcement at Google I/O 2017 that Kotlin would be getting first class support on Android, Wesley Reisz spoke to Andrey Breslav, the lead language designer of Kotlin at JetBrains. (more…)

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The webdev cheat sheet to Swift(UI)

So, I recently released a new mac os app Tempomat (go check it out, it is awesome) and I was left surprinsgly pleased with the experience, mostly because of Apple’s SwiftUI framework, it is declarative and along with the Combine framework it brings a lot ... (more…)

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On the Road to Swift 6

The Swift project has achieved a critical milestone of maturity of the core fundamentals, providing stability for users to invest in using Swift in earnest. On Apple's platforms such as macOS and iOS, the arrival of ABI and module stability has enabled t... (more…)

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