How Java got the generics it has (by Brian Goetz)

Before we can talk about where generics are going, we first have to talk about where they are, and how they got there. This document will focus primarily on how we arrived at the generics we have now, and why, as a means of setting the groundwork for how … Read more


Java – Type Casting

The type casting is a method of converting the value of one data type to another data type. It is also known as type conversion. In Java, there are several kinds of conversions. However, in this tutorial we will focus only on two major types. (more…)

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Improving on Types: Specing a Java Library

Good application developers use existing libraries rather than reinventing every wheel. This is particularly true on the JVM, where there are a huge number of wheels to choose from. So in addition to writing good code, developers need be able to ass... (more…)

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A Complete Introduction to Java EE

The enterprise Java framework was first released in 1999. It has undergone a great number of improvements over the last decades, but the learning curve is still very steep. So in this article, we're going to take an in-depth look at version 8 of the Java ... (more…)

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