How I’m able to take notes in mathematics lectures using LaTeX and Vim

A while back I an­swered a ques­tion on Quora: Can peo­ple ac­tu­al­ly keep up with note-​taking in Math­e­mat­ics lec­tures with LaTeX.
There, I ex­plained my work­flow of tak­ing lec­ture notes in LaTeX using Vim and how I draw fig­ures in Inkscape.
How… Read more


Vim’s Arglist as a File-Centric Todo List

I often find myself wanting to make similar edits to a set of files within a project. More than I can do with sed, but simple enough that ag + vim are the perfect tools for the job. In the age-old tradition of using blog posts as notes to one’s future sel... (more…)

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