Here is why vim uses hjkl keys as arrow keys

I was reading about vim the other day and found out why it used `hjkl` keys as arrow keys. When Bill Joy created the vi text editor he used the ADM-3A terminal, which had the arrows on hjkl keys. Naturally he reused the same keys and the rest is history. … Read more


Efficient Navigation in Vim

When editing a file, it is quite crucial that you can navigate your cursor around rather quickly. Vim and NeoVim allow for many different ways of doing so which, depending on the situation, can be more or less efficient and useful. This article examines t... (more…)

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We Vim

On this special edition of The Changelog, we tell Vim’s story from the mouths of its users. Julia Evans, Drew Neil, Suz Hinton, and Gary Bernhardt join Jerod Santo for a deep and wide-ranging discussion about “the best text editor that anyone ever wrote.”... (more…)

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