GPT3/Codex to chat with subject matter experts about your work – in Emacs

Summary I build a mechanism to chat about whatever text the user selects, with a subject-matter expert.
This uses language models such as Codex.
Demo — Code Emacs lisp 1 2 3 4 5 6 7… Read more


SICP in Emacs

I recently began reading the notorious “Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs”, a.k.a. the Wizard book. I’m only on the first chapter, but I can already see its value and why it gets recommended so much. (more…)

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Emacs and Tmux

Hello. My name is PerlStalker and I'm an emacs user. I love emacs and use it for nearly everything but there are a few things it's not good at. (... (more…)

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