Goodbye Client Side JavaScript, Hello C#’s Blazor (Øredev 2019)

Pardon the inconvenience, but our servers have detected a high number of errors from your connection. To continue, please verify that you are a human: Read more


JavaScript Loops

Any time we need to run the same code multiple times for a set of data, and don’t want to just repeat the code over and over again, a loop is a perfect option. There are multiple types of loops, all of which accomplish a similar function but that go about... (more…)

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Concurrent JavaScript: It can work

With the recent addition of SharedArrayBuffer, concurrency is finding its way into the JavaScript language. This addition allows JavaScript programs to perform concurrent access to SharedArrayBuffer objects. WebKit supports SharedArrayBuffer and it has fu... (more…)

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How useful is the JavaScript Set

In most languages Set’s have a clear strong use case: fast union, intersection and difference operations; unfortunately in JavaScript these operations are not readily defined so as an exercise I am going to raise some questions and try to answer them in t... (more…)

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