Glommio: Cooperative Thread-per-Core crate for Rust and Linux based on io_uring

Glommio is a thread-per-core framework that aims to make the task of writing highly parallel asynchronous application in a thread-per-core architecture easier for rustaceans – DataDog/glommio… Read more


Rust for Serious Developers

An introduction for what Rust is, what makes it special and why it's not just a toy language but solving some real problems and will become an important tool of every technology stack. ... (more…)

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Rust Context Manager

In Python there is a thing called a context manager. It looks like this: with open('file.txt') as f: # setup code runs here print # teardown code runs here do_other_thing(f) # error: f is not bound here Inside the indented block t... (more…)

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Back-end parallelism in the Rust compiler

This post describes some performance work I have been doing recently on rustc. I spent several weeks on a particular problem with only a small amount of success. I hope a write-up will be interesting and educational, and may even lead to suggestions that ... (more…)

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