Getting Started with React Native and Expo Using Hooks in 2020

We live in the world with a vast array of mobile devices, primarily dominated by two platforms: iOS and Android. It’s a two-horse race, and I’m sure we can all agree on that. Building a mobile… Read more


React 17 Released

Today, we are releasing React 17! We’ve written at length about the role of the React 17 release and the changes it contains in the React 17 RC blog post. This post is a brief summary of it, so if you’ve already read the RC post, you can skip this one. No... (more…)

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Using React Context API with NextJS

One huge pain point in React (and NextJS) is having to pass props through multi-level components. The bigger the application or project gets, the more painful this becomes. This is because of how React is structured, in a tree like fashion with data ... (more…)

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