Generic associated types encode higher-order functions on types in Rust

GATs allow type parameters to associated types in traits. This feature enables total type-level functions to be associated to structs. I show how to use this pattern to implement higher-order type-level functions, and how to use specialization to make par… Read more


How often does Rust change?

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about how often Rust changes. There are some people that assert that Rust stays fairly static these days, and there are some people who say Rust is still changing far too much. In this blog post, I want to make a data drive... (more…)

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Building a Container Runtime in Rust[Oracle]

The container ecosystem is growing up. Proprietary implementations are gradually being replaced by open standards. One of the most important standards from the open container initiative is the oci-runtime spec, which allows alternative container runtimes ... (more…)

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