GCC Rust – How it can be achieved

In conjunction with the recent announcement of the GNU tool chain implementation of Rust supported by Open Source Security, Inc. and Embecosm we want to outline how the project will move forward. Read more


Announcing Rust for Windows v0.9

Rust for Windows v0.9 has recently been released and includes full consumption support, along with several other updates! With completed consumption support, you can now call any Windows APIs (past, present, and futur... (more…)

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Implementing ptsname_r on OS X with Rust

I've been working on a project with rust that requires creating a pseudo-terminal and like many others, I've run into a lot of problems with the functions available to get a pair of master/slave fds for my PTY. openpty int openpty(int *amaster, int *aslav... (more…)

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