Find out how to create and mix modules into other classes and discover what are the benefits from using them in a Ruby on Rails application. (more…)
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We finally decided to rewrite ToolJet server using TypeScript! ToolJet has two main components, the client and the server. ToolJet client is a ReactJS application and ToolJet server is a Ruby on Rails API-only application. Whenever a new application is bu... (more…)
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Look, I appreciate all the opinions being thrown out here, but some of them seem to be coming from people who have not even played with… (more…)
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As a follow up to the recent post about Service Objects, Service Objects in Ruby on Rails…and you, I wanted to go deeper into Service… (more…)
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How to test knowledge of a Ruby on Rails developer - RubyGarage knows just the questions to ask. Our guide will help you confidently hire a Rails developer for your next project. (more…)
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