Five years with Rust

Today is five years since I first heard of Rust. I wrote a post last year about it. This year, I have something slightly different in mind. Five years is a long time in tech. It’s also a long time for me to be focused on one specific thing; other… | Ste… Read more


Thoughts on Rust vs. OCaml

I'm about two weeks into Rust now, so this feels like a good time to write a critique, before I get Stockholm Syndrome'd. My main motivation in learning Rust is that I have to maintain some of Dark's Rust code. There was a recent outage related to that co... (more…)

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Cell, RefCell, and Interior Mutability in Rust

In my self study of Rust, I’ve run into concepts that are different than anything else I’ve seen in other languages, and have had a hard time wrapping my head around. The purpose and usage of Cell and RefCell is one of those concepts. I said to myself, “w... (more…)

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