The challenge Remove a exclamation mark from the end of string. For a beginner kata, you can assume that the input data is always a string, no need to verify it. Examples Test cases The solution in Python Option 1: Option 2 (using endswith): Option 3 (sim... (more…)
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We recently explored how wealthy countries (those defined as high-income by the World Bank) tend to visit a different set of technologies than the rest of the world. Among the largest differences we saw was in the programming language Python. When we focu... (more…)
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Exhaustive, simple, beautiful and concise. A truly Pythonic cheat sheet about Python programming language. (more…)
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🚴 Call stack profiler for Python. Shows you why your code is slow! - joerick/pyinstrument... (more…)
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Upgrading smart contracts in Ethereum has historically been a tedious process; however, because of a new storage feature in Ethereum, we can breeze through the upgrade process and focus our time on more important things. (more…)
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