Executing time-consuming tasks asynchronously with Django and Celery

This post is based on a lightning talk I gave on 2015, at GruPy-SP (July/15) in Sao Paulo. What’s the matter of having time-consuming tasks on the server side? Every time the client makes a request, the server has to read the request, parse the received d… Read more


Turbo for Django

An early stage integration of Hotwire Turbo with Django - GitHub - hotwire-django/turbo-django: An early stage integration of Hotwire Turbo with Django... (more…)

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Speeding Up Django Pagination

Using PostgreSQL's statistics to get a loose page count — I assume you have already read Optimizing the Django Admin Paginator. If not, this is basically the take-away from that article: class... (more…)

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