Evil-tutor: A port of vimtutor for Emacs evil-mode

Vimtutor adapted to Emacs+Evil and wrapped in a major mode. – syl20bnr/evil-tutor… Read more


Running a Blog with Hugo, Emacs, and Netlify

I’ve been keen to get a blog up and running and thought it would also be a good opportunity to play with static sites a little more. Static sites are finally starting to expand beyond just documentation and personal sites with the likes of Next JS Commerc... (more…)

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Emacs: The best Python editor

In this step-by-step tutorial, you'll learn about using Emacs for Python development. You'll install and configure Emacs on your selected platform, then write Python code to explore its capabilities. Finally, you'll run, test, and debug Python code in the... (more…)

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