Developers are constantly faced with challenges of building complex products every single day. And there are constraints on the time needed to build out the features of these products.
Engineering and Product managers want to beat deadlines for projec... (more…)
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How does React only re-render the part of the DOM that has updated? I'm not completely sure, but I'll try to build it... (more…)
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Finally the second React digest is going live with 28 talks from all the meetups we could find from July, August and September. Apparently Q3 had been busy with React conferences so this time we are publishing meetups and conferences in separate posts, wi... (more…)
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Props and children are different things, but when the a component takes multiple children things can get awkward. The Named Children pattern helps us deal with this. (more…)
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π React Native Chart Library. React Native version of Apache Echarts, based on react-native-svg and react-native-skia. Much better performance than webview based solution. - GitHub - wuba/wrn-echar... (more…)
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