Emacs-piper: Emacs UI to interactively build up text manipulation Unix pipes

Wrapper around existing Emacs functionality that creates an interactive user interface to dealing with unstructured textual data similar with how we transform data through pipes in the shell. Read more


ReMarkable Emacs Mode

A collection of scripts, mostly, for processing reMarkable tablet documents, both notebooks and annotated PDF documents, on Linux. Use any of these scripts at your own risk; although the author uses these frequently, there is no guarantee that they will... (more…)

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Emacs Lisp Challenge: flaky-if

SCENARIO: An Emacs user gets up and leaves the room, leaving their Emacs instance running and unattended. As a prank, you decide to overwrite the built-in if operator with another operator that is just like if except that it occansionally swaps its then- ... (more…)

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