Emacs for Professionals

This is a series of brief articles aimed at teaching Emacs to
computer professionals who are unfamiliar with it. I do not dwell on
the basics of the user interface, which can be learned from the
built-in tutorial. Instead, each article in this serie… Read more


Everything you need to know before try Emacs

When it comes to Emacs, every programmer should have heard its name more or less. After all, Emacs has a long history of nearly forty years . However, due to the high learning curve of Emacs, many beginners abandon it before grasping its essence. Before I... (more…)

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Emacs Lisp Animations

Emacs, a programmer's text editor with roots in the 1970s, is a great tool for animation. In Fall, 2010 I taught a digital art class at NYU's interdisciplinary Steinhardt art school. Clearly, the thing to do was to teach how to make animations in Emacs by... (more…)

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