Elm Semantics for JavaScript Developers

Most language tutorials start with language features: here are numbers, here are strings, in a way ever so slightly different from other… Read more


Why Elm?

Watch this talk to explore Elm, the programming language that brings an entirely new approach to front-end development. You will study the language but, more... (more…)

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Elm is Wrong

A few weeks ago, on a whim my friend and I decided to hackathon our way through an app to help us learn how to play guitar. In a stroke of inspiration, we decided to learn something new, and do the project in the Elm programming language, about which I ha...

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Why I’m Stepping Away from Elm

UPDATE: adding a sentence for clarity after feedback from someone: I don’t think the issue is kernel code. I think the issue is that the Web platform support is small currently, and there’s a large barrier for community contribution to it, and this causes... (more…)

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