The world of front end development has been experiencing a major paradigm shift over the past few years. Frameworks have shifted from Model/View and Object-Oriented paradigm of Backbone, Ember, Angularjs v1, and dozens of similar smaller projects to a new… Read more
Elm is a purely functional language that compiles to Javascript in less than 4 seconds. We sat down with Richard Feldman, author of the book "Elm in Action" to understand how learning to code in Elm can help software developers whether they work with it o... (more…)
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And that was exactly that kind of friend who no matter what he says always sounds convincing. Probably because of his white beard and blue eyes. Or may be because he is actually almost always right… (more…)
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This article is a part of a series, if you haven't read the first or second parts yet you can read them here and here. Alternatively you can get the code from the end of the last article here and continue along. You can view the finished app here and...
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A data visualization library for Elm. Contribute to gampleman/elm-visualization development by creating an account on GitHub. (more…)
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Many years ago NRI adopted Elm as a frontend language. We started small with a disposable proof of concept, and as the engineering team increasingly was bought into Elm being a much better developer... (more…)
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