Early Impressions of Go from a Rust Programmer

This post was originally published on the PingCAP blog. I’ve been using Go for the past few weeks. It’s my first time using Go for a large (-ish), serious project. I’ve previously looked at Go a lot and played with examples and toy programs when research… Read more


Rust FFI – Building an ASN1 Codec

The Rust ecosystem comes with all the tools you need to call into a C Library. This is a great way to use existing libraries in your Rust application or library and also a nice way to introduce Rust to parts of your application. (more…)

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Plugins in Rust: The Technologies

In this article I will further analyze how a Plugin Development Kit (PDK) could be implemented in Rust. Note that I’m no expert in the topic; my objective is to merely collect all the information I’ve found so far and present it as a summary, with enough ... (more…)

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