Over the past few years we have witnessed a big bang of Javascript frameworks such as React and Angular. These are great for web applications but do add complexity to your Django project. (more…)
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Very practical tutorial that goes through the steps and code to create a Python web application using the Django framework... (more…)
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{Automatic Login in a Django Application Using External Authentication: Blog article from Yann Briançon about django, ldap, authentication, login... (more…)
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For some time now, a proposal to change the governance of the Django
open-source project has been under discussion and refinement. It was
written up as a Django Enhancement Proposal (DEP), and numbered as
DEP 10. (more…)
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This article is part of a series on security acronyms every Django developer should know. CSRF stands for Cross-Site request forgery and describes a certain kind of attack on a web application. Cro… (more…)
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