Backup Docker volumes locally or to any S3 or WebDAV compatible storage - GitHub - offen/docker-volume-backup: Backup Docker volumes locally or to any S3 or WebDAV compatible storage... (more…)
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“What I cannot create, I do not understand.” — Richard Feynman Context Since my early age, I always felt incapable of drawing. My talent was miserable at best, leading me to think that drawing is more of an innate talent than a craft I can learn (in short... (more…)
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This report analyzes Docker usage directly from Sysdig's container monitoring data. Read this for some surprising data on Docker use. (more…)
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I explain about how to deploy OpenFaaS on Kubernetes on Azure. However, OpenFaaS supports Swarm as well. What is the most easy way to deploy it? Since the OpenFaaS requires docker ce for 17.05+, we can't use Azure Container Service. Instead, we can use Do... (more…)
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Analysis of 4 million Docker container images found that over half have critical vulnerabilities and thousands of them include malicious or potentially harmful elements. (more…)
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