Django project with login, reg., pass. change, log out, and pass. reset funcs

simple-django-login-and-register – An example of Django project with login, registration, password change, log out, and password reset functionality. Read more


Demystifying Django’s Import Strings

This post aims to dispell some ambiguities introduced by Django for those learning it. These things initially perplexed me. I found it hard to grasp and articulate, and for my first years in Python, they were akin to magic.The idea of using strings in Dja... (more…)

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Hy with Django

Hy introduces a List that gives you all the power of macros and the elegant Lisp syntax while enabling the full power of Python. Although it's easy enough to use Python libraries in Hy, you just import them as you would in Python, I was weary of using a ... (more…)

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