I've thought a lot about this. I get asked it a lot. "Why does JavaScript not have an equivalent of Ruby on Rails, Laravel, or Django?"The answer is...compli... (more…)
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Laravel has many security features already implemented. But there are ways that can be used to improve Laravel Application Security further. (more…)
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Node.js has a lot of advantages as a backend for SPAs. It allows you to have a single language in your project and gives you features like server-side rendering. Are Laravel users being left in the dust by full stack JavaScript? (more…)
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According to Fabien Potencier, lead of the Symfony project, the next major version of Symfony, to be released at then end of 2017, will require PHP 7. #Symfony 4 (to released in November 2017) will drop #PHP 5 support… So, #Twig 2 stable should probably...
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A step-by-step walkthrough on building a Laravel and MySQL backend for a Vue.js component... (more…)
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