Designing futures for Rust

I recently wrote about the
importance of asynchronous I/O in Rust and the aims of the new
futures library. This post deepens
the story by explaining the core design of that library. If you’re looking for
more on the use of the library, you’ll have to …


Hecto: Build your own text editor in Rust

This is a series of blog posts that shows you how to build a text editor in Rust. It’s a re-implementation of kilo in Rust, as outlined in this fantastic tutorial. Same as the original booklet, these blog posts guide you through all the steps to build a b... (more…)

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Rust Coding Style

This post is about a high-level Rust coding style (as in it doesn’t go into specific details), partly inspired by data-oriented design and partly by ML-based functional programming languages, which imho fits quite naturally into Rust and makes for ergonom... (more…)

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