Data analysis in Python using the concatenative paradigm

Data analysis in Python using the concatenative paradigm – punkbrwstr/pynto… Read more


Music Composition with Python and Linux

I met Brendan Becker working in a computer store in 1999. We both enjoyed building custom computers and installing Linux on them. Brendan was always involved in several technology projects at once, ranging from game coding to music composition. Fast-forwa... (more…)

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Pyston v2: 20% faster Python

We’re very excited to release Pyston v2, a faster and highly compatible implementation of the Python programming language. Version 2 is 20% faster than stock Python 3.8 on our macrobenchmarks… (more…)

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It’s Python, Not Python 2, Not Python 3

There’s no “Python 2” or “Python 3”, the language is same as before. Python 2.x is legacy, Python 3.x is the present and future of the language — Python2 or Python3 This whole debate makes newcomers to run away, it’s confusing, nonsense and ...

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