Rails 5.0 was released just some eight months ago, and now, some 3500 commits later, we’re already close to the next big release. And what release this version 5.1 is lining up to be! We’ve made great strides on long-term promises and key ergonomics while... (more…)
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Look, I appreciate all the opinions being thrown out here, but some of them seem to be coming from people who have not even played with… (more…)
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A quick walkthrough on how to add Bootstrap 4 to an existing Ruby on Rails application. We'll use the bootstrap gem to manage the files and updates, and update the stylesheet and JavaScript manifestos. (more…)
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Rails views are sometimes amazing and fast, and at other times, they can have all sorts of issues. If you want to increase confidence over how you handle your views, then this blog post is for you. (more…)
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