In this post, we will look at using Hasura Actions to convert your Ruby on Rails REST API written in Flask to GraphQL. (more…)
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Serverless is like a black hole. It promised exciting adventures, but the gravity sucked me in and I spend most of my efforts dealing with its complexity, in... (more…)
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(i will try to not repeat those from above) Why Rails? (i will be boring here) stable fast prototyping docs/community convention over configuration language - just write something in ruby and read it - it's hard to not understand the code, even for noob l... (more…)
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Over 2,000 members of the Rails community from 92 countries kindly contributed their thoughts on tools, frameworks, and workflows in their day to day development lives. From these responses we hope to get an understanding of where Rails stands as a framew... (more…)
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Contribute to socketry/flappy-bird development by creating an account on GitHub. (more…)
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