Creating Thread-Safe Arrays in Swift

Thread-safety in Swift can be achieved using GCD concurrent queues & barrier flag. Reads would occur in parallel, while writes are given mutual exclusion. Read more


Diversity in Swift

6 years ago, Swift was announced. In the years since, a thriving community has emerged around a shared passion for building and using the Swift programming language. This community has spread far beyond Apple through conferences, open source repositories... (more…)

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Swift Cluster Membership

It is my pleasure to announce a new open source project for the Swift Server ecosystem, Swift Cluster Membership. This library aims to help Swift grow in a new space of server applications: clustered multi-node distributed systems. With this library we pr... (more…)

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Swift ImGUI

Swift wrapper around Dear imgui for macOS, iOS, Linux and Windows - GitHub - ctreffs/SwiftImGui: Swift wrapper around Dear imgui for macOS, iOS, Linux and Windows... (more…)

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