Creating a minimal ELF-64 file using Clang and Rust

Creating a minimal ELF file. Contribute to tchajed/minimal-elf development by creating an account on GitHub. Read more


Rust Ray Tracer, an Update (and SIMD)

About a month ago I ported my C99 ray tracer side project to Rust. The initial port went smoothly, and I’ve now been plugging away adding features and repeatedly rewriting it in my spare hours. In parallel I’m getting up to speed on a large, production Ru... (more…)

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Git Pre-Commit Hook for Rust Projects

Having a CI system is very convenient to ensure that your project contains no bugs. But running tests locally before pushing is also a great solution. By running tests before every commit, we ensure that each of them is working independently (as they shou... (more…)

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