Choosing Between Rust or Go?

One expert’s take on the Pros, Cons, and Controversies of each language. If you have written code in either Rust or Go, you’ll recognize some similarities and differences between them. While there is some overlap between the goals of the two languages, th… Read more


Rust in a KDE Project

While trying to implement a long planned feature, an ad block in Angelfish, the Plasma Mobile webbrowser, I was looking for a mostly complete and performant library that provides this functionality. (more…)

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Prefer Rust to C/C++ for new code

This is a position paper that I originally circulated inside the firmware community at X. I've gotten requests for a public link, so I've cleaned it up and posted it here. This is, obviously, my personal opinion. Please read the whole thing before sending... (more…)

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Rust-GPU v0.4

Screenshot from Embark's Creative Playground, which uses rust-gpu and raytracing. Hi there! It's been long overdue, but it's finally here: the fourth release of rust-gpu! Our project aimed at makin... (more…)

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