ChatGPT in Vim

AI-powered code assistant for Vim. Generate, edit and chat with GPT models like ChatGPT using OpenAI – GitHub – madox2/vim-ai: AI-powered code assistant for Vim. Generate, edit and chat with GPT mo… Read more


Vi is not vim

When dinossaurs ruled the earth there was a young kid that had just installed Red Hat Linux 5 on his computer. Fascinated with the “OS for the elite” he was about to experience a devouring frustration. The kind that gives rise to dark divinities that come... (more…)

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From Vim to Emacs in Fourteen Days

Yes, my friends, it is true. After more than fifteen years using Vim, teaching Vim, proselytizing about Vim, all the while scoffing in the general direction of Emacs, I’ve seen the light. The light of Lisp… Or something. (more…)

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