Docker Articles, Tutorials & News

Awesome Docker Compose Examples

Various Docker Compose examples of selfhosted FOSS and proprietary projects. – GitHub – Haxxnet/Compose-Examples: Various Docker Compose examples of selfhosted FOSS and proprietary projects.

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Docker Compose Examples

Various Docker Compose examples of selfhosted FOSS and proprietary projects. – Compose-Examples/docker-compose.yml at main · Haxxnet/Compose-Examples…

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Docker Mailserver

Production-ready fullstack but simple mail server (SMTP, IMAP, LDAP, Antispam, Antivirus, etc.) running inside a container. – GitHub – docker-mailserver/docker-mailserver: Production-ready fullstac…

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Docker-Compose Examples

Various Docker Compose examples of selfhosted projects – GitHub – Haxxnet/Compose-Examples: Various Docker Compose examples of selfhosted projects…

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Docker Compose NAS

Simple Docker Compose NAS featuring Sonarr, Radarr, Prowlarr, Jellyfin, qBittorrent, PIA VPN and Traefik with SSL support – GitHub – AdrienPoupa/docker-compose-nas: Simple Docker Compose NAS featur…

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